
An occasional list of exhibits, programs, and events at North Carolina museums. Sponsored by the North Carolina Museums Council.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The NCMC Board Is Looking For A Few Good Members! We need you ....

Per the NCMC By-Laws, the following NCMC Board positions are to be filled in even-numbered years (such as 2008): Annual Meetings Chair, Governmental Affairs Chair, Newsletter Chair, and Professional Development Chair. Terms of service for those positions are two years, although chairs may serve more than one term. If you, or any NCMC member you know, is interested in working on the NCMC Board, we strongly encourage you to let us know ASAP.

You need not have a specific Board position in mind, just a willingness to serve on the Board and act in the best interests of NCMC and North Carolina's museum community. Participation on the Board is a great learning and networking experience!

Nomination Due Date: November 2, 2007. Please send nominations to: Mr. Lindsey A. Lambert (NCMC Nominating Chair), Brock Historical Museum, Greensboro College, 815 W. Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401; or by e-mail:

Port Discover, Elizabeth City, has set "The Science of Salt Crystals" as its Make-It-Take-It subject for September.

Cinema SECCA ( for September 6 and September 9 is "The Camden 28." $5 for members; $6 students and seniors, $7 general admission.
The Gallery Talk on September 25 at 6 p.m. is by Dr. Anthony S. Parent (fee).

"A Day Out with Thomas the Tank Engine" is coming to the N.C. Transportation Museum (, and now's the time to buy tickets for September 28-30 and October 5-7 ($18 for everyone, ages 2 and up -- call 1-866-468-7630).

In addition to "Transformations: Cherokee Baskets in the 20th Century"
already on display (through March 16, 2008), the N.C. Museum of History, Raleigh,
will open "Liberty and Freedom: North Carolina's Tour of the Bill of Rights" (September 17-23) and "Everybody's War: North Carolina and World War II" (September 18, through March 17, 2008). A Bill of Rights Symposium is set for Monday, September 17, with sessions at 2:30 and 7 p.m. Also, the Museum has opened a permanent exhibit gallery devoted to decorative arts (Pleasing to the Eye: The Decorative Arts of North Carolina).

The Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City, will kick off its Fall Albemarle Historical Roundtable program with a lecture by Dr. Rebecca Seaman at 7 p.m. on Thursday, September 6 (free). Preschooler Time returns at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 13th. The Museum will hold "Day on the River" from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, September 15th, featuring the Classic Moth Boat. On September 22, at the Museum, demonstrations of life in the 19th century will be offered from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The N.C. Maritime Museum, Beaufort, has "Masters of Realism" on display, now through October 28.

Saturday, September 8 from 2-4 p.m. is the Fire & Ice Cream Social at the Hickory Museum of Art, an opening reception for "BORN OF FIRE: Glass from the Museum's Luski Collection." RSVPs will be appreciated at 828-327-8576. The HMA Shop will also reopen, with a remodeled look, that day.

Tryon Palace, New Bern, will have a guest lecture, "Jane Austen and the British Landscape," by June Mays at 10 a.m. on Saturday, September 8 (free; V.C. Auditorium); an African American Lecture, "The End of Race?" by Dr. Williams A. Darity, Jr. at 7 p.m. on Thursday, September 20 (free; V.C. Auditorium); and the next African American Historic Downtown Walking Tours are set for September 16 and October 21 (fee; reservations, 252-514-4900).

Sunday, September 9 from 1-7 p.m. is Charlotte Film Festival: Kids Day at The Light Factory, Charlotte. Call 704-333-9755 or see website for information.

The Green Hill Center for North Carolina Art, Greensboro, will open "Max rada dada's Sideshow Banners, Polaroids & Objects" on Friday, September 14, running through November 2. His own sideshow piece will be preformed at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, September 28th.

"Noon at the 'Spoon" (Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro) for Tuesday, September 11 will be a public tour of "The Liberated Eye: American Modernisms," at noon. On October 9, the subject will be "LeWitt X 2," and on November 13, "Janine Antoni." The Artist Talk on Friday, September 14 at 4 p.m. will be by Stephen Vitiello.


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