Upcoming class: The Greensboro Historical Museum is offering a ten-session class, "The Civil War: The Times, The Places, The People," with Ned Harrison. Classes will be held on Tuesdays from 1-4 p.m., beginning February 12, 2008. Class size is limited to 50, so prospective students are encouraged to enroll quickly. Harrison has taught military history classes at Guilford College, GTCC, Alamance Community College, and the Historical Museum during 2007. He writes the "About Veterans" column for the Greensboro News & Record, and a monthly Civil War column for newspapers in Virginia and Maryland. Course fee ($65 for non-museum members, $60 for members) covers 30 hours of class instruction, an a text manual with maps, data and explanatory text. Call 336-373-2043 to charge registration by phone, or send payment to Greensboro Historical Museum, 130 Summit Ave., Greensboro NC 27401.
In event news:
1). The Onslow County Museum, Richlands will open its new exhibit, "Connections: History + Genealogy = A lasting legacy," from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, December 15 (free). The exhibit will remain at the museum through May 2008.
2). The Greensboro Children's Museum will have Active Story Time on the theme of "Kwanzaa" at 10:30 to 11 and 3:00-3:30 on December 27; Kwanzaa Colors Bracelets from 9 to 5 on December 28; 4th Friday Cultural Night/Africa from 5-8 p.m. on the 28th; and the Kuumba African Dance Company performing from 11-11:45 a.m. on the 29th. The Museum's New Year's Eve Party is from 2-3 p.m. on December 30.
3). Santa Claus is scheduled to visit the Kings Mountain Historical Museum from 1-3 p.m. on Saturday, December 15. The Fifth Annual Trains, Trains, Trains Exhibit will remain on view through January 5.
4). On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, December 14-16, free admission is offered to residents of Haywood, Jackson, Buncombe and Swain counties at the Wheels Through Time Museum, Maggie Valley to view the new "Merry Motorcycle: A Photographic History of the Joyous Sport" exhibit, which will be on view through April 1, 2008. Other visitors are welcome to view the exhibit anytime at regular admission and operating hours.
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