
An occasional list of exhibits, programs, and events at North Carolina museums. Sponsored by the North Carolina Museums Council.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Survey assistance request from NCPH

This message is shared with the N.C. Museums Council blog readers on behalf of the NCPH:

Dear Colleague-

The NCPH is currently participating in a Survey of Public History Professionals (SPHP), with seven other historical organizations, and asks for your help. The survey (which was prepared by staff at NCPH and AHA) seeks to learn more about the demographics, training, employment conditions, and expectations of public history practitioners.

Each participating association is helping to distribute the survey across the public history community and will share the aggregated, anonymous data that is collected. But as a result, you might receive this questionnaire from more than one participating association. It does not matter to which organization's e-mailing you respond.

You may leave and return to the questionnaire multiple times until you hit "done" at the end. Individuals who wish to be entered in a drawing for one of two $100 book gift cards may include contact information at the end of the questionnaire, but this information will not be used to connect survey data with specific persons. Participating associations will present findings from SPHP in a variety of formats in 2009.

Please visit the following URL:
Please feel free to share this URL with colleagues, students, members, and others whom you think might identify themselves as public history professionals.

We hope you will fill out the questionnaire today, but if you cannot, please do so by December 1 (when the drawing for the two gift cards will be held). Thank you.


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