
An occasional list of exhibits, programs, and events at North Carolina museums. Sponsored by the North Carolina Museums Council.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

NCMC Events From Around the State… April 25, 2011

1). Marbles Kids Museum presents selections from “Sideways Stories from Wayside School “on Sunday, May 1 from 1:00pm and 2:00pm. Counting to 100 alphabetically! Talking pigtails! Teachers turning students into apples! The Pickle Jar Players will present theatrical reading selections from Raleigh Little Theatre’s production of Sideways Stories from Wayside School, the best-selling series for the elementary kids. Raleigh Little Theatre will offer a full stage production of the play in May.

2). Museum of the Albemarle will host a “Native American Day Camp” on Thursday, April 28, from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Campers need to be first through fourth grade students. Campers will explore the life of the Carolina Algonquians living in the Albemarle Region through discussions on health and healing practices, make a clay pot, view artifacts, discover hunting methods, make a bead necklace and much more. A catered lunch and snacks will be provided. Space is limited and pre-registration is required by Tuesday, April 26, 2011. Registration forms can be picked up at the Museum of the Albemarle. Cost: FOMOA Member - $20.00 and Non-Member - $25.00.

3). Page-Walker Arts & History Center presents “An Icon Transformed: Metamorphosis of an Old Cary School into a New Arts Center”; exhibition from April 29 to June 20 with an artist’s reception on April 29 6-8 p.m. Through the eyes of three of Cary Photographic Artists' most talented photographers: Heath Clayton, Jim Larcom and Joe Lipka, the transformation of Cary’s historic landmark school building into Cary’s newest visual and performing arts center is revealed. Displays of school memorabilia and historical collections will augment the exhibition.

4). Reynolda House brings the classic drive-in experience indoors with “Reynolda After Hours: Reynolda’s Indoor Drive-In”, Friday April 29 at 8 p.m. Guests can customize their own dream ride, watch actor Steve McQueen in his first leading role in the 1958 drive-in classic “The Blob,” and enjoy movie theater refreshments and blob-like Jell-O shooters. The museum will provide cardboard frames to be decorated into original hot rods, and prizes will be awarded for the craftiest car. Admission to Reynolda’s Indoor Drive-In is $5 for members and students, $8 for non-members.

5). NC Department of Cultural Resources The Civil War savaged lives yet secured the future of generations in North Carolina and the rest of the nation, and altered the course of American history. The injustices faced by African Americans were some of the most significant factors leading to the American Civil War (1861-1865). The fight for liberation is just one of many moving features of the “Freedom, Sacrifice, Memory: Civil War Sesquicentennial Photography Exhibit,” ( which will visit the Wilson County Public Library from May 2-28. The exhibit will commemorate the bravery and resiliency of North Carolinians throughout the Civil War with stimulating images gathered from the State Archives, the N.C. Museum of History, and State Historic Sites.

6). Museum of the Cape Fear The National Weather Service and the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources’ Connecting to Collections Project will present SKYWARN on Monday, May 2, from 1:30-3:30 p.m. at the Museum of the Cape Fear Historical Complex. The program will help any interested parties to understand the warning process of potential severe weather and how to read weather patterns in order to protect sites or homes, the public, and staff at cultural heritage institutions.

7). Historic Oakview Park We're excited to be preparing for our annual "Antique Automobile Show," taking place on May 7. Relive automobile history at the Antique Auto Show at Historic Oak View County Park on May 7, 2011 from 10am until 4pm. The Triangle Chapter will also be assembling their 1917 Take Apart Model T at 11:30am and 2:30pm.

8). Cameron Art Museum presents “Music in the Courtyard: The Wolfe Gang”, organic free-range music on Thurs. May 5th, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Program admission: CAM Members and students: $5.00, Non-members: $10.00. Experience “The Wolfe Gang” performing original songs and instrumentals with unique arrangements of zydeco, rock and roll, rhythm and blues, reggae, jazz, swing, funk, soul, folk, country, and blues. The longtime Wilmington musicians --guitarist/vocalist Michael Wolfe, bassist Robb Harrington, and drummer Gene Carmen--have been drawing notice worldwide with their new release, “read the fine print”. Music held outdoors weather permitting, inside if not.


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