
An occasional list of exhibits, programs, and events at North Carolina museums. Sponsored by the North Carolina Museums Council.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

On Thursday, March 22, award-winning photojournalist Don Sturkey will speak in connection with the exhibit of his photographs in the North Carolina Collection Gallery, Wilson Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. The Gallery will host a reception starting at 5 p.m., with Sturkey's program beginning at 5:45 p.m. For more info, e-mail

The current exhibit at Discovery Place, Charlotte, is Jelly Belly Presents CANDY UNWRAPPED. The tasty exhibit explores the science behind sweets and sours, now through April 29, 2007.

Internationally-known cave diver Sam Meacham will visit the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences on Thursday, March 15, with presentations at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. (free and open to the public.)

The Mountain Heritage Center, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee currently has Migration of the Scotch-Irish People in Gallery A, Cherokee Baskets and their Makers in Gallery B, through April 30; and After the War: Conflict and Domestic Change in the North Carolina Mountains remains in Gallery C through December.

Historic Oak View Park, Raleigh, is currently showing Let's Play: Pastimes from the Past, through April 28. Also, ask about free guided tours on 2:00 p.m. Sunday afternoons -- 919-212-7695.

Old Salem Museums & Gardens, Winston-Salem is introducing a new Spend the Night in Salem program for children 6-14 and their parents. The first Friday nights for the event will be March 16, 23 and 30, starting at 7 p.m.. For reservations, fee information and more, call 336-721-7331.

The demonstration on tap at the High Point Museum for March 24 and 25 is Blacksmithing. Drop by for this free event!

Upcoming events at the Cameron Art Museum, Wilmington, include: March 23 at 7 p.m., dance with Waraba Sanou Dance Ensemble; April 1, 3 p.m., Gallery Talk; Friday, April 6, Cape Fear Contra Dancers (7-8 p.m.); and music by the Cosmic Groove Lizards on Friday, April 13th (7 p.m.).

A traveling exhibit, The Horse, a Mirror of Man: Parallels in Early Human and Horse Medicine, will visit the Country Doctor Museum, Bailey, from March 20 to March 29. The Museum is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday; for more info, e-mail

The Asheville Art Museum will sponsor Art Adventurers: Make It New all day on Tuesday, March 20, and on March 23rd from 6-7 p.m, the Up for Discussion subject will be Make It New Artists Roger Parramore and Tome Turner.

The North Carolina Maritime Museum, Beaufort, will host a slide lecture on Adventures in Tikal and Belize by Jim Craig at 3 p.m. on April 10th.

The annual Easter Sunrise Service will be held on the east grounds of Union Square at the N.C. State Capitol from 6:30 to 8 a.m. on April 8.

The N.C. Museum of History, Raleigh, will host a lunch lecture, History a la Carte: Scottish Heritage, by Bill Caudill, Wednesday, April 11th at 12:10 p.m. Bring lunch; beverages provided.

Tryon Palace Historic Sites & Gardens, New Bern, will present its Box & Cox: A One-Act British Farce on April 7 (Visitor Center Auditorium) and April 21 (Hollister House), at 11 a.m.


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